Summer Rates

Rates shown have been updated for Summer 2025.

Summer School in Blair-Shannon House

Summer housing for 2025 will be located in Blair-Shannon House. Students must be enrolled in at least one course during the main summer session. Students are billed in three cycles according to the dates and rates below. 

Shared bedrooms are shared between two residents. The total cost at a daily shared rate is $23.00/night.

Private bedrooms refer to the bedroom area
only and does not imply a completely private suite. Private bedrooms will be offered as space permits. If a private room is preferenced and not available, a shared bedroom will be provided automatically. The total cost at a daily private rate is $35.00/night.

Summer Session Dates


*Intersession: May 10 - June 1 (22 nights)


Session 1: June 1 - July 26 (55 nights)


Session 2: June 1 - July 3 (32 nights) $736.00 $1,120.00
Session 3: June 1 - June 28 (27 nights) $621.00 $945.00
Session 4: June 29 - July 26 (27 nights) $621.00 $945.00
**Intersession: July 26 - August 14 (19 nights) $437.00


*May 10 - June 1: Must live on campus at Missouri State during the Spring 2025 semester or be enrolled in Summer intersession courses to stay during this intersession period.

**July 26 - August 14: Must have a 2025-2026 Missouri State housing contract and room assignment to stay during this intersession period. You will move to your Fall 2025 room during this time.

Choose a Meal Plan package

A complete Meal Plan package consists of both Meals-Per-Week and Dining Dollars. A Meal Plan package is required when living in Hutchens House.




19 Meals: $820

12 Meals: $755

Dining Dollars

$310 cost ($340 value)

$242 cost ($265 value)

$192 cost ($210 value)

Meals-Per-Weeks are used in the Blair Shannon Dining Center and reset weekly every Monday morning before breakfast. Each time a student visits, a meal is deducted from their weekly balance using their BearPass Student ID. Meals-Per-Week can only be lowered during the first week of classes.

Dining Dollars are a declining dollar balance loaded once at the beginning of the summer. This may be used at the vendors in the Plaster Student Union, at Outtakes in Strong and Glass Hall, and at the Starbucks in both Plaster Student Union and Meyer Library.

Summer Apartment Rates

Only current Spring 2025 apartment residents are eligible for summer apartment housing. Those apartment residents with a summer apartment contract will remain in their same Spring 2025 apartment for the summer. Only students with 2025-2026 housing contracts are allowed to stay from July 26 to August 14.

Students are billed in three cycles according to the dates and rates below. 
Summer apartment residents are not required to purchase a meal plan.

Monroe Apartment 

May 10 - June 1

June 1 - July 26
(summer session)
July 26 - August 14
1-Person Apartment $694.98 $1,737.45 $600.21 $3,032.64
2-Person Apartment


$1,686.30 $582.54


4-Person Apartment $632.06 $1,580.15 $545.87 $2,758.08
Sunvilla Tower  May 10 - June 1
June 1 - July 26
(summer session)
July 26 - August 14
2-Person Apartment $594.22 $1,485.55 $513.19 $2,592.96
3-Person Apartment $568.48 $1,421.20 $490.96 $2,480.64
3-Person Private Bedroom $619.96 $1,549.90 $535.42 $2,705.28
4-Person Apartment  $540.98 $1,352.45 $467.21 $2,360.64