Executive Board


The President coordinates and runs General Assembly and Executive Board meetings, creates agendas for all Executive Board meetings, represents the Chapter in the Region through conferences and chats, ensures Chapter compliance with and updates Chapter By-Laws and Constitution, creates and oversees the transition of the next executive board, conducts biweekly one-on-one meetings with the Executive Board, and runs the Chapter social media accounts.


The Secretary coordinates all General Assembly communication, records minutes for all meetings, coordinates the Chapter accountability system, maintains membership records, organizes chapter documents and materials, and plans all General Assembly meetings. 

Recruitment & Retention Chair

The Recruitment and Retention Chair coordinates recruitment, selection, induction, and new member orientation efforts, communicates with Chapter alumni, and organizes the graduation ceremony and materials for graduating members.

Recognition Chair

The Recognition Chair coordinates university involvement with Of-The-Month (OTM) participation and judging, incentivizes the OTM program, coordinates recognition items for Departmental appreciation days with the Residence Hall Association, and coordinates a minimum of two OTM programs per year.

Service Chair

The Service Chair coordinates bi-monthly service projects, coordinates involvement in campus-wide service events, coordinates involvement in regional and national service events, and organizes fundraisers for the Wilda F. Looney and Gary K. Stewart Residence Life Leadership Scholarship including, but not limited to, The Residence Life Annual Craft Fair, Boomer's Five and Dime..